The year started with a planned adoption of my kitten Marley. She was two months old and rescued from the cold winter in Maryland by the Washington Animal Rescue League. She was the only kitten found just weeks old with no Mama to care for her. She was a little over 2 pounds when I adopted her. When I bought her home and told Maya she was her baby Maya went into action looking out for her. She would sit with her and make sure she was ok. At night she would clean her. Now that Marley is bigger they try to clean each other at bedtime. They've become the best of friends. She's been nothing but gentle and kind to Marley who she now has to share me with.
Fast forward to late September early October. There is an Orange Tabby that is hanging around my house. She looks well groomed and totally out of place with the other feral/stray cats I feed. She sees me and runs to me. She cries at the door for hours. It was in those early weeks that I said I couldn't take on another animal. Knowing deep down I would. Maya would sit at the door and watch her. While Marley would sit with her ears perked up listening for her. She just seemed to get along with them thru the door. When I would walk Maya she would just sit and look at her. In early November I noticed she started to have scars on her nose. The other cats were starting to reject her. She walks up to me and I noticed she has a wound on her side. She is still happy to see me, but she is moving very slow. This is when I decided to take her in. I would have to catch her and get her to a vet ASAP. That is just what I did. She has been vaccinated and I am keeping her separated from Maya and Marley for the next few months until I can get her tested for FIV/FeLV again. She tested negative. However, with the open wounds I want to be sure for Marley.
Thru it all Maya's personality hasn't changed. She's still just as loving and affectionate as the day I adopted her. She checks on Marley and now Macy. She is so well mannered with them and her temperament amazes me. I know that God placed her with me for a reason. She has allowed me to open my home to other animals in need, and I know this is something we will continue to do.
This year I am thankful for Maya, Marley and Macy and my family and friends who helped me financially with saving Macy. Attached is our Christmas photo. I hope I can get them all to sit still together for a photo next year.